
Kitchen & Dining Sitters

24 of 32 Items
  • JO203 block JO203 Block

    JO203 Taco Tombsday Block

    This block is called "Taco Tombsday." In this fun picture, a friendly ghost is happily enjoying a taco. A single candle flickers on the table, surrounded by even more delicious tacos, adding a festive touch to the scene. The 6X4X1 size makes it perfect...

  • CIN3974B Block CIN3974B

    CIN3974B Country Kitchen Block

    This block is called "Country Kitchen" and has a dark background and says, "Country Kitchen Eat Well Laugh Often Love Much". The 10X4X1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift item for your store...

  • LET1065A Block LET1065A

    LET1065A All The Wine Block

    This block has a deep red background with white font that says "The most expensive part of having kids is all the wine you have to drink". The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantel. Great inexpensive wholesale gift item...

  • LUX694B Block LUX694B

    LUX694B Coffee & Jesus Block

    This block has a lightly textured background and says "Good days start with coffee & Jesus". 4x10x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantel. Great inexpensive wholesale gift for your store's impulse buyers.

  • LUX925B Block LUX925B

    LUX925B Eat Here Block

    This block says "Eat Here it's cheap and homemade" against a light textured background. This block would be perfect in any kitchen! 4x10x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantel. Great inexpensive wholesale gift for your store's...

  • ALP2230B God Our Father Block

    ALP2230B God Our Father Block

    This block says "God our Father, Lord, and Savior, thank you for your love and favor, bless this food and drink we pray, and all who shares with us today. Amen". The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantel. Great inexpensive...

  • LUX1051A Block LUX1051A Block

    LUX1051A Always Chocolate Block

    This funny block reads "Chocolate is always the answer. I don't care what the question was." with a lightly textured background. 4x6x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift for your store's...

  • SB779A Block SB779A

    SB779A Butt Nuggets Block

    This block is called "Butt Nuggets" and has a white background and in black says, "Farm Fresh Butt Nuggets" with three chickens. The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift item for your...

  • SDS1260A SDS1260A

    SDS1260A Bacon Me Hungry Block

    This funny block is called "Bacon Me Hungry" and has a black background and in white is a little pig and says, "You're Bacon Me Hungry!" The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift item for...

  • LUX651A Block LUX651A

    LUX651A Hangry Definition Block

    This block is called "Hangry Definition". This block has a whitewashed background and says "Han.gry (Han-gree) Adj. a state of anger caused by lack of food". The 4x10x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive...

  • LUX927B Block LUX927B

    LUX927B Family Gathers Here Block

    This block is called "Family Gathers Here". Over a light textured background this block says, "Family gathers here for laughter, meals, and memories" Perfect for every loving home! The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle...

  • CIN3869A Block CIN3869A JPEG

    CIN3869A Country Kitchen Farm Animals Block

    This block is called "Country Kitchen Farm Animals". This block says, "Country Kitchen" with a cow, sheep, pig, and chicken stack. The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift item for your...

  • LET718A Block LET718A Fresh Baked Pies Picture

    LET718A Fresh Baked Pie Block

    This block is called "Fresh Baked Pie".  This fun fall block has a beige plaid border and the words "Pumpkin Pies Baked Fresh Daily".  The 4x6x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift...

  • JP7517 Block JP7517 Lemon Orchard Picture

    JP7517 Lemon Orchard Block

    This block is called "Lemon Orchard" and reads "Sweet Lemon Orchard locally grown hand picked fresh daily". The 4x6x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift for your store's impulse buyers.

  • JP7516 Block JP7516 Sweet and Simple Life Picture

    JP7516 Sweet and Simple Life Block

    This block is called "Sweet and Simple Life and reads, "Live a sweet and simple life".  This block has a beige lightly textured background with a vase of beautiful yellow lemons and white flowers with greens. The 4x6x1 size makes it perfect to...

  • BLK-LUX751A Before Coffee Block Before Coffee Picture

    LUX751A Before Coffee Block

    This funny block reads "Before coffee: I hate everyone After coffee: I feel good about hating everyone." The 4x6x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift for your store's impulse buyers.

  • LUX723A Block Actress Picture

    LUX723A Actress Block

    This block is called "Actress" and reads "I hate when I gain 10 pounds for a role and then realize I'm not an actress". With a light textured background and black font this is a very funny and sarcastic block. The 4x10x1 size makes it perfect to display...

  • LUX585A Block Grub Prayer Picture

    LUX585A Grub Prayer Block

    This block is called "Grub Prayer" and it has a lightly textured gray background. This is a fun and humorous block with a funny prayer to say before meals, "Rub-a-dub-dub thanks for the grub yay God!"  The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on...

  • BRO182A Block BLK-BRO182A Mug Life Block Mug Life Picture

    BRO182A Mug Life Block

    This block is called "Mug Life".   With a lightly textured gray background it reads "I didn't choose the mug life.  The mug life chose me."  The 6x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive...

  • LUX501A Block BLK-LUX501A Fine Wine Block Fine Wine Picture

    LUX501A Fine Wine Block

    This humorous block is called, "Fine Wine". With a lightly textured gray background this block reads, "Some people age like a fine wine.  I aged like milk.  I got sour & chunky." 4x10x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf...

  • LUX489A Stir the Pot Block Stir the Pot Picture

    LUX489A Stir the Pot Block

    This block reads "I don't cook but I like to stir the pot." in  a red and green font.  The 10x4x1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle. Great inexpensive wholesale gift item for your store for impulse buyers.

  • BLK-SH1991 Blessed Home Block SH1991 Block Blessed Home Picture

    SH1991 Blessed Home Block

    This block is sure to bring a bit of cheer to any home!  With a black and white checkered background and bright yellow sunflowers with the words "Bless This Home."    The 6X4X1 size makes it perfect to display on table-top, shelf or mantle...

  • BLK-BAKE197 Lemonade Camper Block BAKE197 Block Lemonade Camper Picture

    BAKE197 Lemonade Camper Block

    A fun summer time block with a vintage camper framed in by lemons, a wreath of lemons on the door and two chairs outside to sit and enjoy the fresh lemonade.  The block reads, "life is short make it sweet."  The 4x6x1 size makes it perfect to...

  • LUX273A Block BLK-LUX273A Panic Cleaned Block Panic Cleaned Picture

    LUX273A Panic Cleaned Block

    White textured background that reads,  "We haven't panic cleaned for visitors in a while and it shows". Perfect gift for anyone that has been stuck at home with their families and their messes !  The 10X4X1 size makes it perfect to display on...

24 of 32 Items